SãoTomé e Príncipe are volcanic islands lying in the Atlantic Ocean approx. 200 km south of the Nigerian coast. Their territorial waters are large, encompassing fairly deep waters but with a sediment cover that is unusually thick for such oceanic regions. This thick sediment cover represents the distal prodeltaic sediments of the Cretaceous Ogooué Delta of Gabon and the Niger Delta, the main sediment outlet during the Tertiary.is an archipelago made up by two islands and many islets situated in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa and is between latitude 1º 45’ north, 0º25’ south and longitude 6º26’ east, 7º30’ west.
Name: Democratic Republic of SãoTomé e Príncipe
Distance from continent : 300 kms
Total area: 1001 km2
Population : 220,372 (Est. 2023)
Capital: São Tomé
Other cities: Trindade, Guadalupe, Santana, Angolares, Neves, S. António do Príncipe
National currency: Dobras (STD) Exchange Rate: 1 USD=16, 700 1 EURO=22,300 (May 2009)
GDP per capita: 4,100 USD (Est. 2021)
Cash crops: Cocoa, coffee, coconut, pepper
Life expectancy: Women 69 years; Men 65.7 years
Literacy rate: 94.8 %
Political regime: Multiparty democracy
Arms of Government: President of Republic, National Assembly, Government and Courts