Data Rooms available
Data rooms are available in the ANP offices in São Tomé and at PGS offices in the UK (other PGS locations maybe possible by special arrangement). The data available in each location are identical and contain:
São Tomé SMT Kingdom Project - EEZ seismic data examples - STP well data
ANP-STP Digital Library - Scanned Technical Reports - Scanned Well Folders
Hardcopy Technical of Key Technical Reports (supplied as pdf in data packages)
Hardcopy of Key Well Composites
Each company visiting the data room has to pay to ANP-STP a fee of $3,000 (three thousand US Dollars) at a maximum of two days for open blocks. In order to give companies the opportunity to review the quality of example seismic lines and other technical data before committing to license the data.
Visits to the data room can be made via email to : or by contacting:
ANP Coordinator -· Technical Director: Wadson Almeida (
Requirements to visit the data room:
Confidentiality Agreement - best signed in advance
Data Room Rules - signed by attendees to data room
Maximum of 4 attendees per Company